Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 in Review


We rang in the New Year in fab outfits and with fun friends.

We went to a Redskins game and it was so deathly cold that I broke down and wore Stephen's Redskins beanie. Dont worry, I'm still not a fan (and they lost).

We mailed out our wedding invitations!


I had my first wedding dress fitting. I cried.
I had an amazing time with LC in DC and it was just like being 18 again. I loved every minute of it!

I had my first bridal shower thrown by my fabulous Maid of Honor!

I went to DC again with Whit and LC and we definitely did things right!
I had my second Bridal shower and it was equally as fabulous!

My bachelorette party was at the end of the month and it was amazing! I was back to the hotel by midnight, but it was still amazing!


We had a little Bon Voyage Party before we left for Mexico, and it was a really great time with a really great cake!

We got married in paradise surrounded by amazing friends and family! It was truly the time of our lives!


My newest little brother was born, and I am still completely smitten with him!

We got to celebrate our wedded bliss back home with all of our local friends and family that couldnt make it to Mexico!

We went camping for the first time, and I survived!


Had my first attempt at baking from scratch, and my banana cream pie came out delicious.

Went to the Rascal Flatts concert with the hubs, cousin, and Brandon. It was an amazing concert! I cant wait to see them next year.


We went on a few date nights and enjoyed our first summer married.

We found out that we were expecting our first baby!

We did lots of pool lounging.

I tried my hand at baking again and made my cousin a birthday cake!

I spent most of August battling morning sickness so we didnt do a whole lot. I threw a birthday party for my brother who turned 18, and we did lots of laying around the house. We did manage a trip up to DC to visit Stephen's mom, and he treated me to Baked & Wired Cupcakes and some earrings from Juicy!
Hurricane Irene hit our area. We were without power for 3 days, and a tornado touched down about a mile from our house.

Daisymae started giving the belly lots of love.
We went to the ODU season opener.
I turned 25 and the hubs through me an amazing birthday party!

We found out we were expecting a girl!

I got my Erin Condren planner in the mail and it was life changing!
We took a trip to the mountains with great friends!

We dressed up for Halloween!

We celebrated the engagement of my best friend!

We spent a great Thanksgiving with family.
We were 25 weeks pregnant and the belly became loud and proud!

We celebrated our 3 year dating anniversary.

I did a lot of baking!

My handsome hubby had a fun 27th birthday party!
We took a little weekend getaway to Wintergreen. I did lots of reading and napping, and the hubs got to snowboard!

We had an amazing Christmas!

2011 was by far the most amazing and eventful year of my life. 2012 has serious shoes to fill, though with the pending arrival of our sweet BK it is bound to be pretty great as well!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Best Books

2012 is almost here! I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by, and so much has happened. This has truly been the best year of my life. I'm going to do some brief recaps of the year, since I waited until two days before the new year there might be multiple posts a day to catch up.

My goal was to read 50 books this year and I surpassed my goal, hooray. So I leave you with my top 10 favorite books of the year.

10. What to Expect When Youre Expecting
 9. Confessions of a Shopaholic
 8. The Hidden
 7. The Secret Lives of Dresses
 6. The Luxe
 5. The Alchemist
 4. Dead Until Dark
 3. Girls in White Dresses by Jennifer Close
 2.Water for Elephants
 1. The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Say what?

more random thoughts...

1) Today is the shortest day of the year. Who knew? The sun is going to set at like 4:30. Whats up with that? No bueno

2) I really wish I could give out tickets to the idiots who can't seem to park their car WITHIN in lines provided!

3) I am bound to end up weighing 800lbs after this holiday season. I have been betty crocker the past few days and I'm eating it all!

4) I cry over everything. Literally everything!

5) Christmas is in 3 days and I've fallen into a very scrooge-like attitude the past few days. Lets hope I can shake it!

6) My husband is fabulous, he truly is my best friend and always puts a smile on my face. I am so blessed to grow old with him.

7) Whats a preggo to do for New Years? I want us to make plans, but I'm obviously not going to the club. Maybe just a nice dinner and then home? It's our last one though so it cant be lame.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Finding Faith

With Christmas upon us faith is shed in a whole new light. The true meaning of Christmas is that of Jesus' birthday, but there are many other reasons to celebrate and wouldnt it be wonderful if the spirit of the season stayed year round? I could do without the crazy drivers, rude shoppers, and insane lines, but the spirit that is felt is simply amazing. I believe that is the spirit of the Lord.

I found my faith when I was in junior high, though I was raised with a sound education of the Lord and his son. Now that Stephen and I are going to be parents I've found that faith has taken on a whole new meaning to me, and I have really been struggling with finding my way back to a close relationship with Christ. After all, it is through him that this tiny miracle is growing inside of me. I pray daily, but I don't know that I'm actually conversing with God so much as talking to him. I need him, and his guidance, now more than ever. So here's to hoping that I find my way right back into his arms.

Friday, December 16, 2011


No one should ever have to clean up anybody else's poop besides their own and their child's. Especially while pregnant.

Today I cleaned up poop. Not mine, obviously not yet Brooklyns. No not even the boys I nanny for. One of their friends. And when I say I cleaned up poop it was not a tiny bit of poop, it was like a poop bomb blew up.

I need a shower.STAT. I need a raise, or a bonus, or a giftcard. Most importantly I need a shot of tequilla. Which I cannot have.

Why me? WHY!?!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Random Thoughts...

This month is crazy, crazy busy! Sorry for neglecting the blog so much, I just truly don't have a whole lot of free time right now. I will be better after the new year, scouts honor! Today I have random thoughts for you.

1) I still have Christmas shopping to do, yuck! I'm totally dreading the mall this close to Christmas. Maybe I will go at a really random time, like 8am. Not that I want to be up that early, but I'll bribe myself with Chick Fil A breakfast.

2) I really wanna go see the Christmas lights. I need to arrange this with the hubby pronto. Don't the lines get longer closer to Christmas? Ick, again with the crowds.

3) This bebe of ours has the longest legs in the world! She kicked clear into my breast plate yesterday and I thought I was dying. I won't complain though, those legs might belong to the next NY Company prima ballerina or Victoria's Secret model!

4) My husband is the kindest, most handsome man I know! Tomorrow is his 27th birthday and I am so thankful that I get to celebrate him.

5) this weekend we're Stephen is going snowboarding, I'm going to be a bonafied snow bunny that doesn't do anything but look cute. I'm downloading a new book, bringing lots of hot tea & cocoa, got some new bubble bath, and I might bring supplies for a few pinterest inspired crafts.

6) Dressing up like the 80's is a fabulous way to spend a Friday night. Trust me, just do it.

7) I graduate Sunday. Hooray for me and my masters! Presents and cards are much appreciated ;0)

Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm a featured mama

Head over to A Girl in Pearls & A Boy with Toys and read her feature Mama Mondays!

I'm the featured mama today <3

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Search is On

It's DECEMBER! Where has this year gone? I cannot believe that we are almost to 2012. Blows my mind. Now that we've officially hit December my holiday spirit has taken a turn for the crazy! I am just so excited or the holidays this year. I have our house completely almost decorated, I'm just finishing up a few crafts. Most of the Christmas presents are wrapped. So now we just have to find a tree.

Here are our requirements for the perfect tree:
-the right height
-the right fullness (no Charlie brown trees here)
-must be fresh
-needles that are long and not apt to falling
-Right assortment of thick and thin branches (needs to be able to hold the heavy ornaments too)
-a perfect smell

What are your tree requirements? Do you prefer fresh or fake?